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The Dashboard Metrics

As your online business grows, it can become hectic to keep up with everything happening around you and keeping pace with your customers. This is why the Jumpseller dashboard is your one-stop shop to get all the important data that will help you make better business decisions.

In this article, we take you through each section of the Jumpseller dashboard.

You can access your store’s dashboard by going into your admin panel and clicking on the dashboard tab from the left sidebar.

On the dashboard tab, you can see the following graph:

Jumpseller Dashboard Graph

Here on the top right you can see the date select tab, you can choose the time period for which you want to view the data.

Note: The maximum limit for viewing previous data is one year from the current date.

Below that you have the always visible 3 boxes that tell you the Orders Today, Yesterday and in the Last 7 days.

The first graph you see on the dashboard tells you about the Total Orders and Visitors (unique users) for the selected time period. It also shows you the orders paid, pending and number of visits to your store. You can click on these elements to make them disappear on the graph as you please.

With this graph, you can identify sales trends and notice the day where you were able to turn more visitors into buyers and, check the order’s history, what was the reason behind that result (e.g. a product promotion) which you could replicate again.

In order to check how this customer’s behavior evolved through time, you can switch the period from a single Day to a Week, a Month, or a Year.

Jumpseller Dashboard Graph

In the second section, you can find some more important metrics to evaluate your store’s performance. These include:

  • Average Order Size: The average order’s total amount per day (based on the time period selected in the previous section (e.g. week or month) and the number is the average of those data points).

  • Total Orders: Total orders for the time period.

  • Returning Customers: See how many customers came back to your store.

  • Orders with Returning Customers: Orders created by returning customers for the selected time period.

Jumpseller Dashboard Graph

In the next section, you will find information about the Traffic coming to your store, this can help you decide what marketing channels to prioritize or to improve.

  • Organic: Traffic from search engine results (not paid).

  • Paid: Traffic coming from Paid Ads like Google Ads.

  • Direct: All those people showing up to your Web site by typing in the URL of your Web site or from a bookmark.

  • Referral: Other Websites sending traffic to you. These could be as a result of your banner ads or campaigns or blogs or affiliates who link to you.

  • Social: Traffic from social channels like Facebook.

  • Others: Includes any campaigns you have run, e-mail, direct marketing, etc.

You also see the Map in this section, which gives you a visual representation of your customers, if you are selling in more than one country you can zoom out/in the map to get a better view of your customers geographical location

Jumpseller Dashboard Graph

You have the Conversion Funnel in the next section of the dashboard, this breaks down your customers buying journey and tells you how many customers you are actually converting to sales. You will find here the percentage of customers who; Added to Cart, made a Checkout and the ones who Paid.

You also have a list of your Top Referrers here, this is useful as it will help you identify which links are providing value to you and you can then boost those links to make them more prominent for your target audience.

In the next box, you have your Best Sold Products, if you know what your customers like you can increase sales by making those products more visible on your website or even creating special promotions to make them stand out.

Jumpseller Dashboard Graph

There are also two graphs that depict what are your most used Payment and Shipping methods. Based on this you can get a better understanding of what methods are popular with the customers and what are not used that much, maybe remove the ones that do not provide value.

Jumpseller Dashboard Graph

In the last section of the dashboard, there are two lists of the most searched terms in your store: one with all the searches and other with the search terms that didn’t found any results. It is insightfull to know what the customers search in your store and what they expect to find.

Note: we only mantain the top 10 results for each month from these two lists.

As you can see you can get a lot of insights from your customer’s behavior using your store’s dashboard statistics. Using these statistics you can identify possible ways to improve your sales.

If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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