Products Categories For Your Online Store
How would you like the products to be organized? Let us take you through the process of managing your catalog using our category listing features.
Display a direct “Add to Cart” link for a specific Product:
{% if product.variants.size > 0 %}
< !-- Adds first (0) Product's Variant to the Cart -- >
<a href="{{product.variants[0].add_to_cart_url}}">Add to Cart</a>
{% else %}
<a href="{{product.add_to_cart_url}}">Add to Cart</a>
{% endif %}
Display all Product’s Variants Option Values:
{% for variant in product.variants %}
{% for value in variant.values %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
There is no relationship between your store Product’s images and your Product Variant’s.
But if you need to connect a specific image with an specific product variant there is two work arounds:
Mapping the image’s filename
Iterate the and manipulate one product image’s URL by replacing the filename portion of the URL by the Variant’s SKU.
<!-- capture the filename of the a random product's images URL in the variable "image_filename" -->
{% capture image_filename %}{{product.images.first | split:"/" | last }}{%endcapture%}
{% for variant in product.variants %}
<!-- replace the filename portion of the URL by the variant's SKU and capture this new URL in the variable "image_url" -->
{% capture image_url %}{{product.images.first | split:image_filename | first }}{{variant.sku}}{%endcapture%}<br><img src="{{image_url | resize:'100x100'}}" alt="{{variant.sku}}" />
{% endfor %}
Mapping the image’s order
After uploading the product images, you can define their order by drag&dropping them.
The first image is the “main” image and the others are considered “secondary”. The “main” image is displayed at the Home or Category page whenever the its product is referred.
Iterate the and use the index of the variant loop (1, 2, 3) to show the associated product image (2nd, 3rd and 4th)
{% for variant in product.variants %}
<img src="{{product.images[forloop.index] | resize:'100x100'}}" alt="{{variant.sku}}" />
{% endfor %}
On this example we associated only the “secondary” images to the Product Variants. To make use of the “main” image too, simply replace forloop.index for forloop.index0 (counts from 0).
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